Tuesday 25 March 2008

Cryptids. 2

Today's cryptid blog is going to be on Bigfoot itself. ;]

Now, much like the lochness monster, people will read 'bigfoot' and not take it seriously, but these people are stupid and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Now, there have been many sightings for the well known 'bigfoot' (based around North America), and many people are curious to what it truely is. (including yours truely)

I do believe 'bigfoot' or 'sasquatch' is real, as I believe it is very likely to be the missing link between us humans and apes.
Now the timeline before us humans shows a big period of the 'ape into human' stage.

These were the 'neanderthals' who were the step up from apes and were stronger than humans now, but not as intelligent (obviously). Evolved from this were the Cro-Magnons. Now these bare a more simular relation to us humans as they are more intelligent and more of a simular physical appearance.

A war was said to have taken place between neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, where Cro-Magnons are said to have eventually caused the extinction of neanderthals as although neanderthals were stronger, they didn't have the same intellengence in creating weaponary, and they were limited in using there arm movement, (couldn't raise above shoulder height).


The commonly known 'bigfoot' seems to be strongly linked to one of these former species.

Bigfoot has been known to hide away in foresty areas, and wont make contact with humans if they know they're around. (People who believed to have seen bigfoot from a distance have often noted that the creature soon ran off after realising it was being watched). This shows that 'bigfoot' must know humans opose a threat so keep clear and well hidden.
The fact that they've also managed to survive this long shows intelligence more so than neanderthals had. So my guess is they're linked with Cro-magnons. (This of course suggesting that bigfoot is definitely a cro-magnon).

Bigfoot has also said to be a possible link with a species called 'homo-erectus'.. (I know, I laughed too..)
Which were much like Cro-magnons.

The only thing that makes me sceptical of this idea is that in the region where they have been seen, no skeletons have been found of homo-erectus or Cro-magnons that aren't around a million years old.

So perhaps bigfoot is something else?

There are infact a group of them, and in research about cro-magnons shows that they all looked out for eachother and they burried eachothers skeletons when dead and formed a 'ritual' after there death.
So perhaps these skeletons are just far in the north american foresty areas, burried.

Who knows?

If you have any other ideas, please say!

I have plenty more cryptids to talk about. And more interesting ones yet ;]

Hope you enjoyed.


Stew said...


Did you see the delayed photography camera footage of an "unknown primate" in the woods of North America? The camera was originally set up to watch deer, but about 12 pics in and this unusual walking creature appeared.

And I'm sure I have no idea what you find so funny about homo erectus :)

Arekkusu said...

it's quite cool reallt isnt it? =o

to think, the secret to our past could be found if people with the money would invest in searching for them,

however the only people dedicated enough to try aren't exactly the richest people in the world =[

i'm thinking, huge ass cave under a moutain? =o