Sunday 23 March 2008

Bermuda Triangle. 1

I think I'll only give you a brief intro into the bermuda triangle.

Because there is SO much about it that if I DID decide to spend the next couple hours writing about it would probably win awards for worlds longest blog.


Right, so some of you may know and others of you may not know what the Bermuda triangle exactly is.

It is a region of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Miami; Florida, and San Juan; Puerto Rico shaped as a triangle.
(hence name ;])

<--- I got you guys a picture to have a look for yourselfs. :]

Within this triangle is where hundreds upon hundreds of planes, ships and sub marines have disappeared without a trace.
Now there are veryy few people who have entered the bermuda triangle and actually survived to tell the tell.
I will be talking about them and there experiences in another blog. But, even the people who did survive had a strange experience whilst in the bermuda triangle.

Now, you may be wondering what the hell is actually in the bermuda triangle that has caused so many disappearences?
And the answer is, I have no fucking idea.

BUT, what I will do is tell you about each of the possible explanations given, and some thoughts of my own about what could be behind this.
And from this you can make up your own minds about what you think is in the bermuda triangle.

For now, i'm just going to list each of the possible explanations and in another bulletin i'll give a full insight into them.

Causes for disappearences could be due too -

Electromagnetic fields (in this area the compass points to the real north rather than the megnetic north, so the compass changes direction a lot)
Different dimensions (vortex into a different world or time)
Conspiracy theory (government undergoing experiments..Or did do)
Wormholes (getting trapped in time)
Methane Hydrate (big swoops of gas exploding up and sucks you in... But this would only really account for the missing ships)
Supernatural explanation
UFO's (theory of them controlling what happens in that area)
Atlantas (the lost island could be based here)
Also from this, in the bermuda triangle there could be a 'lost world' where planes and ships crash onto an island with no way of getting back.
Strange weather conditions (hurricanes/freak waves)

There could be more explanations but that's the only ones I can think of for now...

As I said before, i'll go into this further in another blog.
But the bermuda triangle is one of the greatest 'strange phenomena' known today.

I'll finish up this blog for today and get back to you with more news on it soon.



Arekkusu said...
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Arekkusu said...


another theory -

secret navy military test (my dad told me about it) the idea was to have an invisible warship, ready for fighting. the idea was to use electro magnetic technology all over the ship, which would block any radar that tried to scan it. hence, invisble. however the experiment went wrong and there were reports of soldiers melting into the walls of the ship due to the electricity being conducted on the metal & water. They think this cause a permenanty electrical field. this combined with presumed dark matter in the area caused a kind of wormhole throughout time in that area, so it is entirely possible that everyone who went missing in that area are still alive, just in another time. elsewhere on the other side of the wormhole...

although if there isnt a wormhole an electromagnetic field of that magnitude could of course stop any and all electronics, and if there was an island down there, it would be too far away from anywhere to simple sail on a couple of ligs tied together

it's all hush-hush but it makes some kind of sense

Stew said...

YAY! Science blogz! Awesome

What Donee is talking about is the Montauk project. Various new technologies were allegedly *cough* tested on the USS Eldridge including (but not limited too)

Cloaking Devices
Closed Timelike Curve Generator (a time machine to the rest of us)
Some wormhole technology or another given to the scientists by Aliens contacted through a wormhole that loops through the 4th dimension.

Question, why can you get away with science blogs and I can't. Everytime I've done one I've got told off!