Sunday 23 March 2008

Cryptids. 1

Today I'm going to give you and insight into what cryptids and cryptidzoology actually is/are.

There will be sevral blogs on this with different examples.

The best way to describe what cryptids exactly are is from the introduction given on wikipedia, which is -

In the study of cryptidzoology, a cryptid is any animal or creature that has been reported to have existed, but has not been proven to. The literal meaning of the word is "the study of hidden animals".

A.K.A - Animals that are very likely to be alive but scientists don't have a dead body on a table so therefore they can't exist...


And quite frankly, many of the creatures out there (mainly sea ones) would not actually fit on a table ;] Plus if they were caught or washed up from the sea, the likleyness of the government trying to cover that up is very high.

Which I'll no doubt go on about in certain parts because it annoys me...Fair enough it'll scare people but I want to know damnit.. Selfish? Shutup...

So some of you may be thinking, what kind of animals/creatures are these?

And others may have thought of a commonly known one called 'the lochness monster'. Now some of you will probably see that and snigger and think 'pft yeah right', but don't be so critical you bastards!

The lochness monster I do believe did or does exist. Unfortunately it was just loaded with a pretty poor name...

What infact it really is, is a prehistoric water creature. It has said to be a plesiosaur or an ancestor of it.

<-- That is a picture of what a plesiosaur looks like, and the general idea of what 'nessie' would look like.

Now, some of you might be thinking 'but they're extinct', well, yes they are classed as extinct, but do we really know that?
I'd like to say at this point that we actually only know about 3% of our ocean, and we know more about space than we do about our ocean. And space goes on forever yes?
So, just think of all the creatures and who knows what else is actually in our ocean.

I'll be going on from this in future blogs and giving you a fair few sea creatures that are believed to be real. Some of which I do strongly believe in and others i'm not as sure about. But it'll be good to mension them. ;]
After all, do you REALLY believe the animals/creatures we actually believe to be real, are the only ones out there? ;]
If you do believe in life on other planets, which quite frankly you'd be a bit stupid not too, as space goes on 'forever' (so we think), thus, can we really be the only life? Be a bit arrogent to think we're the only beings that made it to live. BUT, if you do believe this, with the information I gave earlier about how much we really know about our ocean, then who's to say that there isn't a huge amount of sea creatures that we have no idea about yet that live in the depths...
Or a phat group of plesiosaurs swimming about...
Just saying...

I went off on one then.. MY BAD.
But yes, plesiosaurs or one of there many ancestors (e.g. Liopleurodon, Brachauchenius, Sauropterygia, Elasmosauridae plus many more) are still very likely to be alive and out there somewhere. Who's to say some of them didn't get trapped off in these lochs? There's more than one loch creatures are said to live in.

If you're wondering about the pervious creatures mensioned above (with names I can barely pronounce), you can research them easily on wikipedia or google. Some are herbivours and others are carnivorous, and I don't personally think that nessie is dangerous and would eat people AS it would have been done by now..
So more likely to be a herbivour or fishy eating creature. :]

By the way, if you don't believe that something of that size could or has lived in a loch, then I have a lot of evidence to prove that it infact could if you want to know. ;]

There has also been hundreds of sightings which you could look in to, just for some more evidence.

RIght, I have wrote way more than expected for this one blog...Sorry.
Thankyou for reading though, there will be more like this with different creatures which I hope you'll also read.
And you can comment me or ask me about any of them if you so wish.


1 comment:

Arekkusu said...

i like the idea of there being a huge dinosaur sat in a loch, however if there was one still alive, even if they found it, the government would wanna test it etc...on how it survived so long, as, if it did breed the loch would be filled with them...or so that is my trail of thought =S

so yeah nessie may be real, but its existence would want to be covered =[

my 2 cents
