Tuesday 25 March 2008


I expect many of you would have heard of the legendary 'Atlantis', the lost city.

But what do you really know about it?

I've recently been reading up on it more so and am going to share my findings.

Now, the concept of Atlantis was brought about from two of 'Platos' dialogues Timaeus and Critias. Now it has been said that the idea of a lost civilisation (Atlantis) was fictional and made up, but Plato states sevral times that it was a real thing, also gives very explicit detail into it. Remembering Plato was a very intelligent man, and would have no reason to have made something like this up, as it could have caused him to be banished from Greece if it wasn't true.

Now, what he said about Atlantis was that is was said to have been a place of great wealth and power. Also with very advanced technology. (In some versions of the story it was said that they had more advanced technology than we do today).
But people got very greed and power obsessed and the city was said to no longer be a peaceful place.
So one day, it was said that the God's (or people of a higher level than us.. In the 5th dimension..) got rid of this city and all it's traces, so the place was swallowed by the ocean.

Another theory of it is a connection between Atlantis and the island Thera.
The island of Thera, a volcanic island, was destroyed around 1500 BC by an explosion which caused more than half of the island to sink into the sea.
Artifacts found on the island indicate a sophisticated culture, probably part of the Minoan Civilization.

Now this is another possibility...But the key trouble with this is that the time it occured was very different to that of when Plato suggested.

There have also been satalite photographs over southern Spain reveal features on the ground appearing to match descriptions made by Greek scholar Plato on Atlantis.

Although many sceptics have dismissed this place for being real, there are still a lot of people and a lot of scientists searching for this lost island and researching into where it could have been. Plus numerous books on it.

Of course another theory is that Atlantis is infact hidden in the bermuda triangle.
This could also mean that Atlantis is linked with wormholes... Bermuda triangle is said to hold them (which I have stronge evidence for which will be on another blog no doubt..), also Atlantis was said to be a head of it's time... Who's to say it perhaps got lost back in time around the time period that Plato talks about, but is infact from a time far advanced of that. Just stuck in a wormhole?
Who's knows where it could be now?

Atlantis is a mystery to us all, and I just hope that one day it perhaps reappears, only then will we know of it's true existance.

But until then, I hope i've shed some ideas on Atlantis. If you have anymore, please feel free to share!

Thankyou for reading.


Arekkusu said...

i like the idea it's in the bermuda triangle...


the bermuda triangle is, a wormhole (based around dark matter) then it could be that what this guy was saying was that he had seen it after travelling into the triangle, and - by doing so, going through the wormhole to a /different time/ in which there is most likely another civilisation...

however if they were that advanced then surely they would have objections to having those of a /lesser/ advancement, and this guy left no particular directions apart from the landmarks...

could also be that due to the shifting tectonic plates that if the city was underwater it might have moved location dramatically.

but who knows? =o

x x x

Stew said...

You are smaarrrt.

Its fascinating stuff when you think about it isn't it?

Anyway, it'll be a few days before I do another nerd blog, I may have gone to town reviewing Cloverfield and Alvin and the Chipmunks.
