Saturday 21 June 2008


Why Hello.
I have to say, it has been a shitting long time since I’ve created a new blog, I blame exams and spending to much time with Donee. X]
But after Stews occasional nags, I decided to write a phat one on something SUPER cool, SO READ!

So... Today I’m going to talk about prehistoric creatures that I believe could still be surviving, and expressing JUST how scary these things are ;]

I know you may be thinking we would know about these creatures if they still were alive and out there, but this isn’t the case at all.
1. We as humans only know about a very limited amount of the ocean, we can’t venture to deep before getting crushed through pressure, and there is a whole big lot that we haven’t covered yet.
2. These creatures probably live in the deeper waters anyway and don’t come near shallow grounds, so even what is deep to us would be most likely to shallow for them.
3. They may also be more intelligent now, so could be afraid of going to shallow as they could have a fear of humans, as we dump so much crap into the ocean and such...

Now for the talk on the Megalodon... I’ve been interested in this creature for some time now, and thanks to Donee and his Dad, I’ve been reading a brilliant book on it.

So, what is the Megalodon?

As most of you will probably know, it is a prehistoric shark, that is ancestors with the great white shark. The great white is said to be one of the biggest sharks alive today (ha!) at growing around 20ft on average.

The Megalodon however is quite a bit bigger. Reading up on this creature, most scientists guess that the Megalodon was around the size of 50-100ft.. Which is bigger than the blue whale (biggest mammal in the world supposedly) at around 60ft.

And if any of you have seen the blue whale on TV floating around, you will realise just how immensely big that is.
But, the size estimations are all based on fossilised teeth, which has two problems...
1. It has been proven that you can't actually fully estimate the size of a creature through teeth, even if you do create an outlook of the whole jaw, it still wouldn't fully tell you.
2. These teeth will be very old, so if the Megalodon is still alive today, there's a good chance it'll be even bigger.

So what really happened to the Megalodon then?

Well, there are a few theories.

One of which being that when the Ice Age hit, a freezing cold layer of water pushed these creatures into deeper water over the years, this would have caused them to be pushed into much greater pressures, where there bodies would have had to have grown in order to be able to handle such immense pressures, as they would have needed bigger lungs and such.

But in this incident, the Megalodons can't escape, not because they don't want to, but because they can't, they wouldn't be able to cope in such cold water.

But there is a theory on how it'd get out...
If say, a huge whale and shark or a whale and squid were fighting above and a lott of blood was shed, it could sink deep into the water (it's a whole lot of blood), megalodons having amazing senses would instantly rush to this smell and they could be carried through the cold water in this warm blood and reach shallower waters.
Of course, this is far fetched and it would need to be ALOT of blood for it to not disintegrate as it sinks down.

Another theory on how they could still be alive, which i'm reading in this book at the moment, is because of competition. Around the prehistoric period there were alot of other huge predators, of which even the Megalodons would have liked to have avoided.
These other predators would have eaten similar things to Megalodens, and due to them eating a wide amount of the food supply, the Megalodon went deeper into the water over time, searching for more food.
Due to them having to go deeper, there jaws would have had to adapted to get bigger, because there is little food in such deep waters, so they would have had to kept there mouths open and ready for any food sources to come swimming by.
Also, because of how dark it is down there, the Megalodon would have evolved it's senses to cope with living down there. Their eyes would be super sensitive as they don't really use them much (accept to detect faint glows which the megalodons luminous skin would have secreted).
The Megaloden in these cases would have liked to avoid shallower water at all costs, because the water is much lighter, and the light would have hurt their eyes intensely. It'd be the same as us staring at the sun for a prolonged period of time (except we'd go blind..But you get the jist).
So... What predators could have caused a creature such as the fierce Megalodon, to have to migrate deeper?
There were a number of prehistoric creatures that causes this.

These included the Pliosaurs...

These were ancestors of Nessy (which i've previously written about).
Accept, some were alot bigger, more teeth, and liked more meat...

Some of these species were quite small, only about 4-6ft, which is nothing compared to the megalodon.
But others reached up to 30-50ft!

Another was the Mosasaur...

These are ancestors of reptiles, said to be close relatives to the snakes... Hmm.

These bad boys were said to grow on average around 50ft. (phwoar!)

Another is called the Ichthyosaur

These are also ancestors of reptiles...But the largest recovered fossil of this creature was said to be around 75ft in length!

Starting to see the competition Megalodons had to face? Eesh...

And at last...But by NO means least...
The Basilosaurus...
These creatures were said to be the King of Reptiles...And understandably
These creatures has a very unusual body form, very elongated, and described as the closest link between whale and snake you'd get.
These creatures were said to be around 60ft on average, BUT a fossilised skeleton was found at 114ft in length! Another scientist made an estimate through fossils that these creatures could be as big as 150ft long!
Shit me...

And these creatures had many ancestors who were made the same, and there were many other creatures competing for meat.
I would have hated to be a fish in those days...
Cryptozoologists DO say that these creatures could still be living these days. Especially the Pliosaur.
I think it's highly unlikely that they'd all still be living today, because it would be such a competition for food, and I doubt such huge creatures would have go un-noted for so long.
But there is a definite possibility that some of these types are still alive.

I'm very game for the Megalodons to still be surviving.
Although the Basilosaurus would be sweeeet also. :D

That concludes my blog today, I hope you enjoyed and perhaps are somewhat scared now, mwahahaha.
Or at least intrigued...

I'll make sure to keep up with blogging better, I forgot how fun it is x]


Sunday 6 April 2008

Living Dinosaurs

Todays blog is on dinosaurs still living in our world today.

I first heard about this through a close friend, who told me that in the congos in Africa there had been reports of dinosaurs still living and being protected by the tribes in Africa, because they think of them as 'sacred creatures'.

The Congos consist of a large land mass, full of caves, vegitation and the right living conditions for such big creatures. Also, the Congos are one of the uncharted places in the world, so who knows what could be there.

(Definitely other cryptids also)

The Congos are famous to have been said to hold prehistoric creatures.

Also.. there were millions of dinosaurs for thousands of centuries. Them all becoming extinct so rapidly?...Hmm...

Evidence is that the Sauropods were one of the dinosaur kinds that survived extinction which I'm going to talk about in a bit.

Also, things like Crocodiles are still around, they are dinosaurs, we just don't think about them as being a dinosaur.

Right, the two main places on Earth said to be home of prehistoric creatures are the Congos in Africa, and South America.

Both with the right environments.

Of course this doesn't include the ocean, because I don't doubt there are prehistoric creatures living in our ocean now.

Anywayyy, I was fascinated by the fact that dinosaurs could still be living in our world now, so I researched into it, and found more than I thought.

Mokele-mbembe -

This creature is said to look like the Sauropod (shown in photo) which survived the Extinction.
It's a herbivore and said to be around 15-30ft in height.

The Mokele-Mbembe is one of the most famous 'living dinosaurs' and is as famous in Cryptidzoology terms as the loch ness monster, big foot and so on.

It's existance and identification has been often discussed amoungst mainstream scientists and cryptidzoologists.

This creature has said to have be seen in sevral expedition reports. There have been many expeditions over the years to find proof of 'living dinosaurs', and there have been quite a few reports of people who have said to have seen such creatures.
There have been very recent expeditions, one of which in 2008.

Quoted from Wiki -

'In March 2008 An episode of the SciFi Channel original series "Destination Truth" involves investigator Josh Gates and crew searching for the elusive dinosaur.'

Watch out for that one...

Emela-ntouka -

This dinosaur live in the Congos, and is said to be a solitaire herbivore, the inhabitants of that area are said to treat this creature with great fear.
Also said to be around the same size as a Rhino.

An explanation to this creature is that it's said to be related to Ceratopsians, or could be mistaken for one. (Shown in photo).. Which were a bit bigger in size that Rhinos.

Ceratopsians are a type of dinosaur (like in the photo) that are said to still be living. There are sevral creatures said to still be living dinosaurs that have the appearance of a Ceratopsian.

Ngoubou - These are said to be another dinosaur living in the Congos that have a simular resemblance to Ceratopsians.
Remember that there were many different types of Ceratopsians, with slightly different size/builds, horns, colour, and so on.
But all still herbivours.

Kasai rex -

This dinosaur again said to be living in the Congos. This is one that interested me most. It is said to be a Carnivour with a simular resemblance to the famous Tyrannosaurus-Rex.

There were to main reports from it, both describing there expeditions to the Congos. One of the sightings said they saw it whilst eating a rhino, and described it as being redish in colour with black stripes, around 13 metres in height. The other saw it once just standing still, and he was frozen in fear but managed to take a few pictures quickly. But the creature soon darted off.

He later saw it again, eating a creature of some kind.

Some people say that these stories could have just been made up, or exadderated, BUT there are two photos to have said to exist from these reports. One looks like a hoax that could have been cut out a nature- magazine. The other is a genuine photo of what looks like T-Rex.
Unfortunately... There is no way of me obtaining this picture.
Because, of course, the governement would NEVER allow that on the internet. (grrr..)

Okay... This is blog is going on for a biut and I still have loads I could write on...

I'll just tell you of other kinds of dinosaurs that are said to still be alive.

One being a relation to the Stegosaurus. There have been a few creatures said to still be alive that are described as having spikes or ridges on there backs.

The other that i've heard many reports on ever since I first got into Cryptids was on creatures with a simular resemblence to Pterosaur. (show in picture below).

The size differs. But there seems to be sevral places with these creatures inhabiting, mainly in foresty areas. The size differs from being a big bat, to have a wing span of a few metres long.

It'd make sense that a flying dinosaur could have survived, cause they could have flew away from any danger or could have moved if climate changed.

Rightio, that's it for today, as this blog is already far to long.. haha.

I hope you enjoyed.

And now are open to the concept that dinosaurs aren't necessarily all extinct.


Thursday 3 April 2008


As I haven't blogged in a little while and getting nagged about it! (No names here...stew) I thought I better getting my blogging head on again ;]

Today I'm going to discuss Europa.
Though I'm shitting tired so don't expect anything to great! (stew..)
But I will edit this in the future to make it sound better.

RIGHT... Let's get going...

Europa is the sixth moon of planet Jupiter. (I beilieve there are 8?) But someone can correct me on that. x]

Europa was one of the four moons to be first discovered by Galileo Galilei, so these moons are otherwise known as the Galilean moons.

Europa is the smallest out of the four Galilean moons, though 6th largest in the solar system. So fairly sizeable. ;]

Europa is primarily made out of silicate rock and is likely to have an iron core. It's atmosphere is composed mainly of oxygen with its surface made of ice. Underneath the icey surface is said to be a watery ocean.

NOW, we first evolved from micro-organisms in water, and any life is said to be able to form when water is present, so just think what a whole ocean may hold...

That's right - Lots of extraterrestrial life.

Europa is said to be a lot like Lake Vostok in the Antartic.
I came across this on my reasearch and also found this veryy fascinating.

Lake Vostok has an icey barrier with very deep water below that is strongly believed to hold life beneath it.
So we may have different forms of sea creatures in the Antartic, but it's not a safe place for scientists as the oxygen levels are 50 times higher than our own, and our lungs wouldn't be able to cope with this mass.
But over time, it's said creatures could have adapted to this harsh environment, but this would mean the life forms would be different to what we know of.

Which is what Europa is said to hold, as the oxygen levels are higher like Lake Vostok. But Europa has been around manyyyyy many years longer than Lake Vostok has. So if we find evidence that there is infact life in Lake Vostok (which it's almost certain there will be), this will provide very strong evidence to support life developing on Europa.

And if there is life on Europa...It will be massively evolved. Into all kinds of unknown creatures.

Scientists are still trying to find out as much as they can about both places, as who knows what's held beneathe those icey exteriors.
Also, it's said that sunlight is needed to survive and produce life...This isn't true. In the 1970's scientists found during a deep-sea dive exploration that colonies of giant tube worms, clams, crustaceans, mussels and other assorted creatures clustered around undersea volcanic features.
Providing evidence that life doesn't need sunlight to develop and survive.

Which reminds me of a quote from Jurassic Park - 'Life will always find a way'.
Which I strongly agree with.

They are wanting to send a probe to study Europa, but apparently there is a lack of funding from the government (scaredycatcunts.........sorry) so they haven't been able to do so just yet.
BUT it will happen.
And I can't wait til it does.

That is my blog for today.
I hope you enjoyed. ;]


Tuesday 25 March 2008


I expect many of you would have heard of the legendary 'Atlantis', the lost city.

But what do you really know about it?

I've recently been reading up on it more so and am going to share my findings.

Now, the concept of Atlantis was brought about from two of 'Platos' dialogues Timaeus and Critias. Now it has been said that the idea of a lost civilisation (Atlantis) was fictional and made up, but Plato states sevral times that it was a real thing, also gives very explicit detail into it. Remembering Plato was a very intelligent man, and would have no reason to have made something like this up, as it could have caused him to be banished from Greece if it wasn't true.

Now, what he said about Atlantis was that is was said to have been a place of great wealth and power. Also with very advanced technology. (In some versions of the story it was said that they had more advanced technology than we do today).
But people got very greed and power obsessed and the city was said to no longer be a peaceful place.
So one day, it was said that the God's (or people of a higher level than us.. In the 5th dimension..) got rid of this city and all it's traces, so the place was swallowed by the ocean.

Another theory of it is a connection between Atlantis and the island Thera.
The island of Thera, a volcanic island, was destroyed around 1500 BC by an explosion which caused more than half of the island to sink into the sea.
Artifacts found on the island indicate a sophisticated culture, probably part of the Minoan Civilization.

Now this is another possibility...But the key trouble with this is that the time it occured was very different to that of when Plato suggested.

There have also been satalite photographs over southern Spain reveal features on the ground appearing to match descriptions made by Greek scholar Plato on Atlantis.

Although many sceptics have dismissed this place for being real, there are still a lot of people and a lot of scientists searching for this lost island and researching into where it could have been. Plus numerous books on it.

Of course another theory is that Atlantis is infact hidden in the bermuda triangle.
This could also mean that Atlantis is linked with wormholes... Bermuda triangle is said to hold them (which I have stronge evidence for which will be on another blog no doubt..), also Atlantis was said to be a head of it's time... Who's to say it perhaps got lost back in time around the time period that Plato talks about, but is infact from a time far advanced of that. Just stuck in a wormhole?
Who's knows where it could be now?

Atlantis is a mystery to us all, and I just hope that one day it perhaps reappears, only then will we know of it's true existance.

But until then, I hope i've shed some ideas on Atlantis. If you have anymore, please feel free to share!

Thankyou for reading.

Cryptids. 2

Today's cryptid blog is going to be on Bigfoot itself. ;]

Now, much like the lochness monster, people will read 'bigfoot' and not take it seriously, but these people are stupid and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Now, there have been many sightings for the well known 'bigfoot' (based around North America), and many people are curious to what it truely is. (including yours truely)

I do believe 'bigfoot' or 'sasquatch' is real, as I believe it is very likely to be the missing link between us humans and apes.
Now the timeline before us humans shows a big period of the 'ape into human' stage.

These were the 'neanderthals' who were the step up from apes and were stronger than humans now, but not as intelligent (obviously). Evolved from this were the Cro-Magnons. Now these bare a more simular relation to us humans as they are more intelligent and more of a simular physical appearance.

A war was said to have taken place between neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, where Cro-Magnons are said to have eventually caused the extinction of neanderthals as although neanderthals were stronger, they didn't have the same intellengence in creating weaponary, and they were limited in using there arm movement, (couldn't raise above shoulder height).


The commonly known 'bigfoot' seems to be strongly linked to one of these former species.

Bigfoot has been known to hide away in foresty areas, and wont make contact with humans if they know they're around. (People who believed to have seen bigfoot from a distance have often noted that the creature soon ran off after realising it was being watched). This shows that 'bigfoot' must know humans opose a threat so keep clear and well hidden.
The fact that they've also managed to survive this long shows intelligence more so than neanderthals had. So my guess is they're linked with Cro-magnons. (This of course suggesting that bigfoot is definitely a cro-magnon).

Bigfoot has also said to be a possible link with a species called 'homo-erectus'.. (I know, I laughed too..)
Which were much like Cro-magnons.

The only thing that makes me sceptical of this idea is that in the region where they have been seen, no skeletons have been found of homo-erectus or Cro-magnons that aren't around a million years old.

So perhaps bigfoot is something else?

There are infact a group of them, and in research about cro-magnons shows that they all looked out for eachother and they burried eachothers skeletons when dead and formed a 'ritual' after there death.
So perhaps these skeletons are just far in the north american foresty areas, burried.

Who knows?

If you have any other ideas, please say!

I have plenty more cryptids to talk about. And more interesting ones yet ;]

Hope you enjoyed.

Sunday 23 March 2008

Bermuda Triangle. 1

I think I'll only give you a brief intro into the bermuda triangle.

Because there is SO much about it that if I DID decide to spend the next couple hours writing about it would probably win awards for worlds longest blog.


Right, so some of you may know and others of you may not know what the Bermuda triangle exactly is.

It is a region of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Miami; Florida, and San Juan; Puerto Rico shaped as a triangle.
(hence name ;])

<--- I got you guys a picture to have a look for yourselfs. :]

Within this triangle is where hundreds upon hundreds of planes, ships and sub marines have disappeared without a trace.
Now there are veryy few people who have entered the bermuda triangle and actually survived to tell the tell.
I will be talking about them and there experiences in another blog. But, even the people who did survive had a strange experience whilst in the bermuda triangle.

Now, you may be wondering what the hell is actually in the bermuda triangle that has caused so many disappearences?
And the answer is, I have no fucking idea.

BUT, what I will do is tell you about each of the possible explanations given, and some thoughts of my own about what could be behind this.
And from this you can make up your own minds about what you think is in the bermuda triangle.

For now, i'm just going to list each of the possible explanations and in another bulletin i'll give a full insight into them.

Causes for disappearences could be due too -

Electromagnetic fields (in this area the compass points to the real north rather than the megnetic north, so the compass changes direction a lot)
Different dimensions (vortex into a different world or time)
Conspiracy theory (government undergoing experiments..Or did do)
Wormholes (getting trapped in time)
Methane Hydrate (big swoops of gas exploding up and sucks you in... But this would only really account for the missing ships)
Supernatural explanation
UFO's (theory of them controlling what happens in that area)
Atlantas (the lost island could be based here)
Also from this, in the bermuda triangle there could be a 'lost world' where planes and ships crash onto an island with no way of getting back.
Strange weather conditions (hurricanes/freak waves)

There could be more explanations but that's the only ones I can think of for now...

As I said before, i'll go into this further in another blog.
But the bermuda triangle is one of the greatest 'strange phenomena' known today.

I'll finish up this blog for today and get back to you with more news on it soon.


Cryptids. 1

Today I'm going to give you and insight into what cryptids and cryptidzoology actually is/are.

There will be sevral blogs on this with different examples.

The best way to describe what cryptids exactly are is from the introduction given on wikipedia, which is -

In the study of cryptidzoology, a cryptid is any animal or creature that has been reported to have existed, but has not been proven to. The literal meaning of the word is "the study of hidden animals".

A.K.A - Animals that are very likely to be alive but scientists don't have a dead body on a table so therefore they can't exist...


And quite frankly, many of the creatures out there (mainly sea ones) would not actually fit on a table ;] Plus if they were caught or washed up from the sea, the likleyness of the government trying to cover that up is very high.

Which I'll no doubt go on about in certain parts because it annoys me...Fair enough it'll scare people but I want to know damnit.. Selfish? Shutup...

So some of you may be thinking, what kind of animals/creatures are these?

And others may have thought of a commonly known one called 'the lochness monster'. Now some of you will probably see that and snigger and think 'pft yeah right', but don't be so critical you bastards!

The lochness monster I do believe did or does exist. Unfortunately it was just loaded with a pretty poor name...

What infact it really is, is a prehistoric water creature. It has said to be a plesiosaur or an ancestor of it.

<-- That is a picture of what a plesiosaur looks like, and the general idea of what 'nessie' would look like.

Now, some of you might be thinking 'but they're extinct', well, yes they are classed as extinct, but do we really know that?
I'd like to say at this point that we actually only know about 3% of our ocean, and we know more about space than we do about our ocean. And space goes on forever yes?
So, just think of all the creatures and who knows what else is actually in our ocean.

I'll be going on from this in future blogs and giving you a fair few sea creatures that are believed to be real. Some of which I do strongly believe in and others i'm not as sure about. But it'll be good to mension them. ;]
After all, do you REALLY believe the animals/creatures we actually believe to be real, are the only ones out there? ;]
If you do believe in life on other planets, which quite frankly you'd be a bit stupid not too, as space goes on 'forever' (so we think), thus, can we really be the only life? Be a bit arrogent to think we're the only beings that made it to live. BUT, if you do believe this, with the information I gave earlier about how much we really know about our ocean, then who's to say that there isn't a huge amount of sea creatures that we have no idea about yet that live in the depths...
Or a phat group of plesiosaurs swimming about...
Just saying...

I went off on one then.. MY BAD.
But yes, plesiosaurs or one of there many ancestors (e.g. Liopleurodon, Brachauchenius, Sauropterygia, Elasmosauridae plus many more) are still very likely to be alive and out there somewhere. Who's to say some of them didn't get trapped off in these lochs? There's more than one loch creatures are said to live in.

If you're wondering about the pervious creatures mensioned above (with names I can barely pronounce), you can research them easily on wikipedia or google. Some are herbivours and others are carnivorous, and I don't personally think that nessie is dangerous and would eat people AS it would have been done by now..
So more likely to be a herbivour or fishy eating creature. :]

By the way, if you don't believe that something of that size could or has lived in a loch, then I have a lot of evidence to prove that it infact could if you want to know. ;]

There has also been hundreds of sightings which you could look in to, just for some more evidence.

RIght, I have wrote way more than expected for this one blog...Sorry.
Thankyou for reading though, there will be more like this with different creatures which I hope you'll also read.
And you can comment me or ask me about any of them if you so wish.
