Sunday 6 April 2008

Living Dinosaurs

Todays blog is on dinosaurs still living in our world today.

I first heard about this through a close friend, who told me that in the congos in Africa there had been reports of dinosaurs still living and being protected by the tribes in Africa, because they think of them as 'sacred creatures'.

The Congos consist of a large land mass, full of caves, vegitation and the right living conditions for such big creatures. Also, the Congos are one of the uncharted places in the world, so who knows what could be there.

(Definitely other cryptids also)

The Congos are famous to have been said to hold prehistoric creatures.

Also.. there were millions of dinosaurs for thousands of centuries. Them all becoming extinct so rapidly?...Hmm...

Evidence is that the Sauropods were one of the dinosaur kinds that survived extinction which I'm going to talk about in a bit.

Also, things like Crocodiles are still around, they are dinosaurs, we just don't think about them as being a dinosaur.

Right, the two main places on Earth said to be home of prehistoric creatures are the Congos in Africa, and South America.

Both with the right environments.

Of course this doesn't include the ocean, because I don't doubt there are prehistoric creatures living in our ocean now.

Anywayyy, I was fascinated by the fact that dinosaurs could still be living in our world now, so I researched into it, and found more than I thought.

Mokele-mbembe -

This creature is said to look like the Sauropod (shown in photo) which survived the Extinction.
It's a herbivore and said to be around 15-30ft in height.

The Mokele-Mbembe is one of the most famous 'living dinosaurs' and is as famous in Cryptidzoology terms as the loch ness monster, big foot and so on.

It's existance and identification has been often discussed amoungst mainstream scientists and cryptidzoologists.

This creature has said to have be seen in sevral expedition reports. There have been many expeditions over the years to find proof of 'living dinosaurs', and there have been quite a few reports of people who have said to have seen such creatures.
There have been very recent expeditions, one of which in 2008.

Quoted from Wiki -

'In March 2008 An episode of the SciFi Channel original series "Destination Truth" involves investigator Josh Gates and crew searching for the elusive dinosaur.'

Watch out for that one...

Emela-ntouka -

This dinosaur live in the Congos, and is said to be a solitaire herbivore, the inhabitants of that area are said to treat this creature with great fear.
Also said to be around the same size as a Rhino.

An explanation to this creature is that it's said to be related to Ceratopsians, or could be mistaken for one. (Shown in photo).. Which were a bit bigger in size that Rhinos.

Ceratopsians are a type of dinosaur (like in the photo) that are said to still be living. There are sevral creatures said to still be living dinosaurs that have the appearance of a Ceratopsian.

Ngoubou - These are said to be another dinosaur living in the Congos that have a simular resemblance to Ceratopsians.
Remember that there were many different types of Ceratopsians, with slightly different size/builds, horns, colour, and so on.
But all still herbivours.

Kasai rex -

This dinosaur again said to be living in the Congos. This is one that interested me most. It is said to be a Carnivour with a simular resemblance to the famous Tyrannosaurus-Rex.

There were to main reports from it, both describing there expeditions to the Congos. One of the sightings said they saw it whilst eating a rhino, and described it as being redish in colour with black stripes, around 13 metres in height. The other saw it once just standing still, and he was frozen in fear but managed to take a few pictures quickly. But the creature soon darted off.

He later saw it again, eating a creature of some kind.

Some people say that these stories could have just been made up, or exadderated, BUT there are two photos to have said to exist from these reports. One looks like a hoax that could have been cut out a nature- magazine. The other is a genuine photo of what looks like T-Rex.
Unfortunately... There is no way of me obtaining this picture.
Because, of course, the governement would NEVER allow that on the internet. (grrr..)

Okay... This is blog is going on for a biut and I still have loads I could write on...

I'll just tell you of other kinds of dinosaurs that are said to still be alive.

One being a relation to the Stegosaurus. There have been a few creatures said to still be alive that are described as having spikes or ridges on there backs.

The other that i've heard many reports on ever since I first got into Cryptids was on creatures with a simular resemblence to Pterosaur. (show in picture below).

The size differs. But there seems to be sevral places with these creatures inhabiting, mainly in foresty areas. The size differs from being a big bat, to have a wing span of a few metres long.

It'd make sense that a flying dinosaur could have survived, cause they could have flew away from any danger or could have moved if climate changed.

Rightio, that's it for today, as this blog is already far to long.. haha.

I hope you enjoyed.

And now are open to the concept that dinosaurs aren't necessarily all extinct.


Thursday 3 April 2008


As I haven't blogged in a little while and getting nagged about it! (No names here...stew) I thought I better getting my blogging head on again ;]

Today I'm going to discuss Europa.
Though I'm shitting tired so don't expect anything to great! (stew..)
But I will edit this in the future to make it sound better.

RIGHT... Let's get going...

Europa is the sixth moon of planet Jupiter. (I beilieve there are 8?) But someone can correct me on that. x]

Europa was one of the four moons to be first discovered by Galileo Galilei, so these moons are otherwise known as the Galilean moons.

Europa is the smallest out of the four Galilean moons, though 6th largest in the solar system. So fairly sizeable. ;]

Europa is primarily made out of silicate rock and is likely to have an iron core. It's atmosphere is composed mainly of oxygen with its surface made of ice. Underneath the icey surface is said to be a watery ocean.

NOW, we first evolved from micro-organisms in water, and any life is said to be able to form when water is present, so just think what a whole ocean may hold...

That's right - Lots of extraterrestrial life.

Europa is said to be a lot like Lake Vostok in the Antartic.
I came across this on my reasearch and also found this veryy fascinating.

Lake Vostok has an icey barrier with very deep water below that is strongly believed to hold life beneath it.
So we may have different forms of sea creatures in the Antartic, but it's not a safe place for scientists as the oxygen levels are 50 times higher than our own, and our lungs wouldn't be able to cope with this mass.
But over time, it's said creatures could have adapted to this harsh environment, but this would mean the life forms would be different to what we know of.

Which is what Europa is said to hold, as the oxygen levels are higher like Lake Vostok. But Europa has been around manyyyyy many years longer than Lake Vostok has. So if we find evidence that there is infact life in Lake Vostok (which it's almost certain there will be), this will provide very strong evidence to support life developing on Europa.

And if there is life on Europa...It will be massively evolved. Into all kinds of unknown creatures.

Scientists are still trying to find out as much as they can about both places, as who knows what's held beneathe those icey exteriors.
Also, it's said that sunlight is needed to survive and produce life...This isn't true. In the 1970's scientists found during a deep-sea dive exploration that colonies of giant tube worms, clams, crustaceans, mussels and other assorted creatures clustered around undersea volcanic features.
Providing evidence that life doesn't need sunlight to develop and survive.

Which reminds me of a quote from Jurassic Park - 'Life will always find a way'.
Which I strongly agree with.

They are wanting to send a probe to study Europa, but apparently there is a lack of funding from the government (scaredycatcunts.........sorry) so they haven't been able to do so just yet.
BUT it will happen.
And I can't wait til it does.

That is my blog for today.
I hope you enjoyed. ;]
